Oracle organised business forum in Bucharest: “Disrupt, or be disrupted”

Disrupt, or be disrupted. More companies are acknowledging this, asking what fundamental changes they should make to their operations. Ultimately, disruptive businesses are those powered by speed. They can respond to what is happening in their market and they’re geared up to know what will happen. Information siloes can’t exist in this environment. But who should be the face of this connected culture – and which tools do they need to be the hub of the operation?
To help Romanian business leaders to become the change agents of their organisations and reap the fruits of digitalization Oracle organised the ”Oracle Modern Business Forum Bucharest”. It showcased the massive business and IT opportunity of cloud applications for the whole C-Suite and feature local and regional best practices of innovative organisations using modern, cloud-based ERP, HCM, CX or supply chain solutions.
“No one wants to be disrupted, and it’s the hyper-connected organizations who will strive ahead of the competition thanks to their ability to react and predict market changes. It’s an exciting time to be a CFO / CMO / CHRO and, with the right tools at their disposal they can be the change leader that will create a business ready to disrupt,” said Panagiotis Pantazis, Oracle’s Regional Applications Sales Leader.
Oracle put machine learning and AI at the heart of its cloud applications strategy. Oracle has incorporated adaptive intelligence into its ERP suite (for example, analysing up-to-date vendor profiles and risk data to generate vendor-specific payment recommendations); into its CX suite (digital agents that generate next-best guidance, such as a next-best offer in sales or a next-best action in support); into its HCM suite (analyse data shared by job applicants—on their skills, work history and interests—and then match those patterns against data on the job requirements); and into other application suites.
“To date, modern CFOs and their teams have been reactive – keeping track of the business’ performance. Most of them still spend more time collecting data rather than analysing it, but moving forward, we want to see CFOs using that information both proactively and predictively, taking information from across business units and use it to help the company move quickly, guiding key stakeholders on what comes next,“ adds Panagiotis Pantazis.