Kinderpedia receives 45,000 Euro funding in Innovators for Children accelerator

Kinderpedia, the management and communication solution dedicated to kindergartens and schools, has obtained funding of 45,000 euros from Innovators for Children, an acceleration program organized by Impact Hub Bucharest in partnership with the Botnar Foundation and Impact Hub Basel. The amount will be used for the development of a school progress assessment module for nursery, kindergarten and primary cycle, adapted to the national curriculum. Practically, teachers will be able to enter information regarding the progress of children into the app and standard form will be available for export, including the ones required in official reports. In addition, the data can be used to track a child over a longer period of time, the situation of an entire class or even institution, but also to provide feedback and recommendations to parents.
“The Innovators for Children award is a vital resource to further our early education transformation project and is, at the same time, a recognition of our efforts in recent years and of the amazing progress we have made over the past months. This summer, prestigious kindergartens and schools such as Ioanid, Elf, Aletheea and many, many others have chosen Kinderpedia to simplify their administrative activities and to give priority to educational projects and to strengthen their relationship with the parents. As of the beginning of this school year, over 2,000 families and about 200 teachers, managers and support staff communicate easier and work more efficiently, with the help of technology.
We intend to bring the benefits of technology to the public education system in the next period and have discussions with municipalities to pilot Kinderpedia in several cities” said Evelina Necula, Co-Founder and CMO Kinderpedia.
Three other businesses dedicated to health and wellbeing benefit from funding under the Innovators for Children program. Citizen Next, part of the CivicTech Romania initiative, has obtained 22,500 euros for, an application where parents can be notified of the vaccine plan needed for their children, as well as other investigations recommended for them. The application will also have an educational component, from verified sources, to make the life of new parents easier. The KinetoBebe Association receives € 17,500 for a digital neuromotor stimulation laboratory for children, to create content for a micro-learning network for physiotherapists. More specifically, a platform for learning good practices for specialists will be developed, which by improving the quality of the therapeutic act, will support the faster and more efficient recovery of children. A € 15,000 grant will support the launch of Arttachment – an application designed to support the parent-child relationship, guiding parents to support the emotional, social and cognitive development of their children. This will include various types of activities that the parent can do together with his or her child and that will create a favourable context for a good child’s development.
Innovators for Children is an accelerator dedicated to solutions that make a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of children and adolescents through scalable innovation. During the 100 days of the program, the 12 participating teams benefited from 4 workshops, 3 feedback & follow-up meetings with the mentoring team, 5 progress webinars, a 4-day retreat type conference with the most important actors in the field of health and education, both in the public sector, as well as in the private and non-governmental ones. The project is carried out in partnership with Impact Hub Basel and is supported by Botnar Foundation.