The most loyal employees are those in the Millennials generation, says PwC
The average period spent by employees in a company is four years and the most loyal are the employees of the generation Y or Millennials ( born between 1977 and 1994) who represent the majority of the employees ( over 60%) in the companies analyzed in a PwC study.
The rate of leaving out of the initiative of the employees was 18.7% this year, up by 5.1% against 2107, and approximately a third (32.3%) of the people who left on their own initiative had been hired for less than a year in the company, according to the study of analysis of efficiency of human capital, PwC Saratoga 2019. Almost 60% of those who left voluntarily belong to generation Z ( born after 1995).
A similar tendency, but not as ample as the previous one, is noticed in the case of stopping the contracts up by 4.1 percentage points against two years ago, up to 23.3% as well as redundancies with 1.4 percentage points up to 4.3%.
‘The competition between the employers has become very strong, over the last years, due to the deficit of workforce. As a result, both salaries and the benefits packages or the working environment have become more attractive at the level of the whole market, as the companies have improved their hiring offers and have made investments in training programmes and hiring costs. The good news is that, as a whole, the rentability of the human capital, the productivity indicator has grown by approximately 10% among the participating companies’ stated Ionut Simion, Country Managing Partner, PwC Romania, in a press release. The productivity indicator went up from 1.35 two years ago to 1.54 in 2019, as a result both of the growth of consumption and the domestic optimization with the help of technology.
Similarly, another important tendency is the sum allocated for training and development programmes which grew by 30% against 2017, at 762 euro per employee.
The analysis study of efficiency of human capital, Saratoga made by PwC Romania presents detailed values of the human capital and reference data to allow the companies to compare with the market of Romania. The study analyses 180 indicators of work force regarding the organizational efficiency, the turnover, the personnel efficiency and the costs and the human resources structures on the basis of the data collected from 23 participating companies from four economic sectors: pharma industry, industrial production, retail and banking sector. The Saratoga study relies on a global methodology developed by the PwC Saratoga Institute.
PwC is a network of companies present in 158 countries with more than 276,000 professionals and offers quality services in the domain of audit, fiscal consultancy and business consultancy.