Zi de Bine Association started a fundraising campaign for the Brasov hospital in response to COVID-19 epidemic

As the World Health Organization declared a coronavirus pandemic and 64 cases are already registered in Romania, another 1,556 people are quarantined and 13,680 are being isolated at home. In these moments of difficulty, in which the ability to react promptly with well-trained medical personnel who has at hand the necessary medical equipment and materials are vital, the Association Zi de Bine, curator of social causes, raises the alarm signal for Brasov Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases.
Brasov Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases serves more than 30,000 patients annually, withover 25,000 consulted in the Guard Room. During this period the hospital is in the process of rehabilitation, which means it already operates at half capacity. It can care for up to 62 people with different conditions. In the likely case of increasing the number of infected people, the 3 salons specially prepared for COVID-19 are insufficient. Only 10 patients would fit in them.
The Brasov Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases needs at least 4 containers, in which to arrange the emergency reception room, specialized outpatient and day hospital salons. The cost of a container is about 6,000 Euros. Diagnostic tests, disinfectants, protective equipment for doctors are also urgently needed.
Melania Medeleanu, Zi de Bine Association, says: “It is absolutely necessary that from today and in the days to come to be #scutpentruspitale/#shieldforhospitals. There are two simple things we can do: the first thing is to stay home to protect ourselves and those around us, and the second is to donate. With a simple sms with the text SUS/UP at 8862 you can make a donation to buy the 4 containers that the hospital urgently needs. Contributions can also be made by bank transfer – ASSOCIATION Day of BINE – RO56RNCB0092166359160001, BCR, Branch University or PayPal. I know the temptation is to say it’s the state’s business – and it really is!- but where the state fails, people have proven over time that they want and can save lives”.
Andreea Moldovan, primary infectious diseases physician and epidemiologist at the Hospital of Infectious Diseases in Brasov, awarded by the World Health Organization with the “Lifetime Excellence Award”, says: “We observe in the last weeks a significant increase in the number of patients addressed to us. As a result, the need for protective equipment for medical personnel and patients (masks, gloves, waterproof robes, facial protectors) and sanitary materials (disinfectants for hands, surfaces) is also increasing. We are currently facing their national and international unavailability, as well as latency in accessing the necessary funds. The staff in our hospital is dedicated, extremely involved, people do a great job, we feel the spirit of the team united by solidarity in hard times. But it’s hard to do your duty properly under any conditions and with the threat of termination of resuses and so limited and streamlined. I think the present moment is an exam for all of us, a test of solidarity, empathy, collaboration. To use judiciously less and less resources. To help each other.”
More information on how to make donations can be found on the website of the Association – www.zidebine.ro.