Nuclearelectrica implements standard for anti-bribery management system

Nuclearelectrica informs its shareholders and investors on the completion of the process of implementing Standard ISO 37001/2016 – Anti-bribery management system. SNN initiated the efforts to obtain this ISO standard two years ago.
Following the implementation of the auditing process in view of certification, SNN obtained the certification regarding the implementation of ISO 37001. Standard ISO 37001:2016 provides the requirements and adequate guidelines for organizations so that they be able to establish, implement, maintain and constantly improve an anti-bribery management system, according to the best international practices in the field. The main goal of this standard is to create a management system that would continuously enhance a culture of integrity, transparency, openness and compliance and promote trust within the relations between business partners. Within the project of implementing the provisions of standard ISO 37001, endeavors were made to consolidate the internal inspection system, avoid conflicts of interests, drafting policies and procedures related to the standard, adjusting the normative and organizational internal framework.
“SNN condemns corruption in all its forms and we committed, by the Business Ethics and Code of Conduct, and by implementing ISO 37001/2016, to use all the legal and behavior means at our disposal. We support and promote the implementation of the anti-corruption legal framework, which is mainly targeted at preventing measures, increasing the level of anticorruption awareness, fighting against corruption based on administrative measures, approving the integrity plans and developing the related monitoring and assessment system. We constantly commit to promote an adequate anti-corruption culture, based on the ‘zero tolerance’ principle,” said Cosmin Ghita, Chief Executive Officer of SNN.