Enel Romania donates another 100,000 Euro for medical equipment in COVID-19 fight

Enel supply and distribution companies in Romania are joining the efforts of the medical teams, in order to sustain their fight against COVID-19 by donating 100,000 euros to the Emergency Fund. The sum will be used to purchase necessary medical materials and equipment. This is the second donation made by Enel Romania to support the activity of medical teams to limit the spread of COVID-19.
The donation will be made through the Asociația pentru Relații Comunitare, who created the Emergency Fund. The Fund was created by several NGOs in order to help coordinate and cover local medical needs with available resources and to offer direct financial support to urgent ones, focusing on three main needs for which intervention requires urgent purchases: testing kits, protection equipment for medical personnel (medical masks, goggles, protective suits) and ventilation equipment. The decisions within the Emergency Fund are taken together with organizations campaigning for the provision of hospitals at national and local level.
This is not the first donation of Enel Romania for fighting against COVID-19. This week, its supply and electricity distribution companies have donated 100,000 euros to support the activity of Institutul Național de Boli Infecțioase – Prof. Dr. Matei Balş. The amount will be used for medical equipment necessary for the prevention and control the spread of the virus.