Streinu-Cercel announces pilot project for testing 10,500 people in Bucharest

Manager of the “Matei Bals” Infectious Diseases Institute Adrian Streinu-Cercel has announced that a pilot project for testing 10,500 persons for the novel coronavirus will start in Bucharest within a scientific study to detect those infected with SARS CoV-2 virus, from the desire to thus prevent the severe forms of illness.
Streinu-Cercel mentioned that, for a population of approximately 2 million inhabitants, the testing of 9,558 persons is necessary, with a correction of 10% being applied to this number. He also stated that the sample can be resized along the way, Agerpres reads. In this regard, Streinu-Cercel referred to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, which asked that testing be conducted to detect COVID 19. The manager of the “Matei Bals” Institute showed that it is necessary to test the medical staff and patients, but also the population, in order to know if “it’s healthy, if it is currently infected or went through the infection” with this virus, these three pieces of information completely changing how this pandemic is approached in the near future.
“80% are mild and medium forms of illness. The majority of these forms wear out at home (…), but it also infects others around the respective area, which is why I have to go from the hospital to the person’s house, to see what is going on there, to run a test and, if it comes positive, I also have to treat him and quarantine him for the next 14 days at home,” he said.