Deloitte and FintechOS implement CEC Bank’s digital transformation

Deloitte Romania and FintechOS have created and implemented the technical solution for the “Welcome” package, which CEC Bank has integrated with its legacy systems, allowing it to launch, in March, a complex project aimed at digitalizing the products and services provided by the bank to customers in Romania and abroad.
The package can be accessed 100% online and includes a current account, a debit card and access to the Mobile Banking service. This is among the first projects finalized within the strategic partnership between Deloitte Romania and FintechOS for providing solutions for digital transformation and business process automation to financial institutions.
“Access to banking services is essential for people and for the economy. Remote account opening, with no visits to the bank and no paperwork is a very important project for CEC Bank, and it can contribute to increasing financial inclusion, considering over 90% of Romanians have access to mobile internet. We are glad that, besides the remote banking services we already had in our portfolio – Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, phone services – now, we can give Romanians located in the country and abroad the possibility to become CEC Bank customers, 100% online”, stated Bogdan Neacsu, CEO and President of CEC Bank.
The technical solution used allows customers to complete online all the steps for getting access to the ”Welcome” package, which includes a current account, a debit card and Mobile Banking service. The process features multiple levels of security, including verification of the applicant, running artificial intelligence algorithms for data and facial recognition, as well as a video call with the bank’s staff. The contract is signed by both the bank and the customer using qualified digital certificate (eIDAS compliant), then sent by the bank to the customer via email. The “Welcome” package account is opened immediately after the online registration process is completed, and the customer can access Mobile Banking straight away. The card is issued and sent by mail to the address indicated by the customer.