E-Distributie Dobrogea supports medical teams in COVID-19 fight, connects the army field hospital in Constanta to the grid

E-Distribuție Dobrogea, the electricity distribution operator part of the Enel Group in Romania, is supporting the efforts of the medical teams in the fight against Covid-19 by connecting to the grid the army field hospital in Constanta.
The connection project included the placement of a medium to low voltage transformer, interrupters, distribution boxes and all the necessary low voltage equipment. The value of the equipment and of the works carried out by E-Distributie Dobrogea in the past days is approximately 30.000 Euro, the whole amount being supported by company.
A similar project was conducted previously by E-Distributie Muntenia, at the army field hospital near Bucharest.
During the last weeks, Enel Romania has implemented a series of measures meant to help curb the spread of the COVID-19, out of care for the communities it serves, for the customers and for the employees. Therefore, all activities involving the direct contact with the public were suspended, offering the customers alternative communication channels.