President Iohannis underlines need to continue COVID-19 restrictions

President Klaus Iohannis underlined the need to strengthen the capacity for prevention and intervention in case of emergencies, calling on the Romanian healthcare officials to include a WHO agreement in the process of rethinking the country’s healthcare system after the health crisis caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic is overcome.
He attended on April 7 (World Health Day) a signing ceremony of a biennial collaborative agreement (BCA) between the World Health Organisation (WHO) – Regional Office for Europe and Romania’s Ministry of Health, discussing how Romania’s authorities have managed the local effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Director of the WHO Regional Office for Europe Hans Kluge presented a report on the COVID-19 pandemic at European level and the role of the World Health Organisation. Kluge congratulated Romania on its comprehensive measures taken to manage the emergency and on an integrated approach at the level of the government and the society.
He mentioned that Romania chose the right way by identifying and isolating suspicious cases, testing and monitoring contacts and quarantining all contacts of the people sick with the novel coronavirus.
According to Kluge, physicians and healthcare professionals are heroes in the fight against the virus, and their safety and well-being must be a priority.