Iohannis: Happy to see entrepreneurs, NGOs, private individuals shoulder epidemic management alongside the state

During an on-site visit this Friday, President Klaus Iohannis voiced his appreciation for the “Bucurestii Noi” Medical Support Facility, and said he is happy to see that the entrepreneurs, NGOs, private individuals have understood to shoulder alongside the state the burden of managing the coronavirus epidemic.
“All the arrangements here are specially dedicated. This is a totally atypical facility, accommodated in a space that was initially designed for warehousing or stores, but which was turned into a kind of hospital through private initiative. Let me say right from the beginning that I very much appreciate this private initiative. (. ..) I would like to thank everyone who got involved here – companies, private individuals, NGOs and volunteers, because there have been many volunteers. I understand that there’s a similar setup elsewhere in the country. I am very, very happy that the entrepreneurs, NGOs, private individuals have understood that it’s not good to let the state manage this epidemic alone and it pleases us all to see the business people and NGOs joining in with a very practical and welcome help. (…) I thank you all. I wish all those who will come here a fast recovery and to all of you, good health,” said the President after visiting together with Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, Health Minister Nelu Tataru, Minister of the Interior Marcel Vela, and head of the Emergencies Department Raed Arafat the “Bucurestii Noi” Medical Support Facility built through the contribution of two companies and several NGOs, and which will be subsequently handed over to the Health Ministry.
“We have many new, innovative solutions here and I think that those who, unfortunately, will need a place here will be very satisfied with what they find,” Iohannis said.
The head of the state added that the facility will be operated in a partnership between companies, NGOs, the “Matei Bals” Institute and the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations.
He also emphasized that the Emergencies Department has been involved in coordinating the works and the fitting out the facility and that it will further monitor its operation.
Via Agerpres