Romanian PM Orban says some movement restrictions within localities to be eliminated as of May 16

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said that, as of May 16, “it is certain” that the restrictions regarding the movement within localities will be eliminated, however, he mentioned that the movement between localities will be made only with certain restrictions, which are to be established.
“In terms of the interior of the locality, it will be a movement without restrictions. The movement outside the locality – certain restrictions will be maintained, which we are to be defined in the coming period. However, there will be the possibility to travel outside localities,” Ludovic Orban told Digi 24 private broadcaster. The Prime Minister added that hotels and parks might be re-opened, with maintaining some social distancing rules, but restaurants and playgrounds will most likely remain closed.
“I don’t believe that the restriction regarding art performances can be dropped, where a very large number of people gather and the risk of transmitting the virus is very high. Generally, the places where a lot of people gather and stay for a period of time and at a short distance will be resumed harder. In respect to parks, the epidemiological risk is relatively low and probably they will be included in the relaxation measures. There is one exception, namely children’s playgrounds, where there is higher epidemiological risk and it’s possible that even if parks reopen the playgrounds further remain closed. The restriction regarding the maximum number of persons who can stay or move together, meaning three persons, will remain in force. In my view, hotels can function. In respect to restaurants, the epidemiological risk is higher, because it’s clear that one cannot wear a mask. It is very difficult to ensure the distance between customers and the isolation between various tables,” Orban explained.
He mentioned that an analysis is currently conducted, together with the National Institute of Public Health and representatives of the Technical- Scientific Support Council regarding the epidemiological risk corresponding to every restriction which is to be lifted.
Via Agerpres