Bogdan Cornigeanu, Chief Operating Officer, MET Romania Energy: We are close to implement a fully integrated custom-made IT solution

“Digital Transformation in is our company’s DNA and we started the development and implementation of digitalization a long time ago. We are a company closely connected to the digital age as we have a high appetite for digitalized solutions”
The statement has been uttered within the recently held e-conference DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION CONFERENCE in ENERGY & UTILITIES organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest, bringing together leaders spearheading digital initiatives in their organizations.
“As part of our digital transformation journey, we are close to complete and implement a fully custom-made IT solution that manages, both in individual and integrated manner, the fluxes and processes involved in the power and natural gas supply to our customers.
Within our digital transformation journey, we started with an assessment of our digital maturity. The next step was to continue the process of optimization with a management of changes, flow mapping and optimization, reduction of paper and electronic documents support, implementation of the already mentioned integrated IT. We also take into account AI integration in procurement processes, in risk management .
The digital transformation will exponentially develop within our group as we also identified a high appetite for digital solutions at the level of consumers”
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION CONFERENCE in ENERGY & UTILITIES organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest on May 7th tackled the ways in which digitalization and innovation drive the emergence of a digital utilities business. The urgent need to understand, integrate and get updated with the new technologies is evident for any organization. Big data, meter data, cloud, Internet of Things, omnichanneling, smart metering are not anymore new concepts but daily working tools and the enablers of digital transformation for utilities.
The e-conference benefited from the support of Gold Partners Siemens, MET, Horwath & Partners, Kaspersky, SAS, Partners Sea One, Wave and supporting institutions ANRE, CIO Council, ANIS (the Employers’ Association of the Software and Services in Romania), ACUE (Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies), AFEER (Association of traders with electricity in Romania), ARPEE (Romanian Association for the Promotion of Energy), Romanian National Committee of CIGRE, ClujIT, World Energy Council.
The e-conferences, powered by The Diplomat-Bucharest, are a brand new media product, designed to deliver easy and fast, directly to the core audience, the valuable insights of senior figures, experts and the most known specialists in the strategic industries, to discuss the most pressing aspects in today’s economy landscape.