Maria Manicuta, ANRE: We are analyzing the idea of dynamic tarrifs for distribution operators

Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority is analyzing the idea of dynamic tariffs together with the transmission and distribution operators, said Maria Manicuta, Director Grid Tariffs, ANRE. “It is important to speed up the implementation process of smart metering, so that the technological change can really happen. We are preparing the report that will show the stage of implementation of smart metering in 2019. We are glad to see that three operators from the Enel group have exceeded the plan they have proposed. There are 4 operators with an implementation rate of 20-25% and another 4 operators that have an implementation level below 10%. We hope that by 2025 we will be able to move to smart metering. Operators are interested in introducing smart metering because it is an effective way to reduce losses.”
The statement has been uttered within the recently held e-conference DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION CONFERENCE in ENERGY & UTILITIES organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest, bringing together leaders spearheading digital initiatives in their organizations.