Tivadar Runtag, CEO Chimcomplex: The Immediate effect of this crisis is that we have to achieve new competencies and adjust to new situations

“We are a company that produces raw chemical products, as he biggest producer in the region. Also, we produce hypochlorite, that is major in treating the drinkable water in the whole water distribution infrastructure. That is why, we cannot permit not to have a predictability on the long term. An immediate effect of this crisis is that we have to achieve a new competencies and adjust to new situations. The fast reactions, seizing the opportunity and opening new lines of communications are some key actions to be taken right now.”
The statement has been uttered said during the recently held online conference REORGANIZING THE WORK – SAFETY&HEALTH MAKE THE AGENDA, organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest on May 14 and dedicated to the current health & safety aspects defining the workplace right now.
The event benefits from the support of Gold Partners Wipro, Suciu Popa Attorneys, J8 Office Park, Partners OMV Petrom, Wave and Sea One, with the support of ANIS (the Employers’ Association of the Software and Services in Romania), Cluj IT, ACUE (Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies), APAR (Association for Entrepreneurship in Romania), Media Partners: Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic and Outsourcing Today.
The need to reinvent (again) the workplace and the employees’ safety is the number 1 topic right now in the agenda of any responsible company.
The past months gave us major lessons in addressing the real priorities in terms of workplace and employees, as well as the individuals’ personal lives and space. Every public discussion since the year started turned into a human-oriented topic in real terms or just for campaigning. In the meantime, with so many industries highly affected, the general economy hurts and companies must think of continuity and business growth.
The full event report will be found on the website soon.