TAROM introduces Tuesday flights from Bucharest to Rome and Milan and back

Romanian air transport company TAROM introduces on Tuesday flights from Bucharest to Rome and Milan and back, according to an announcement on its Facebook page.
“At your request, we introduced the next flights to and from Italy on 26 May 2020: Bucharest – Rome – Bucharest, 208 euros, with 10 kg cabin luggage and 30 kg hold luggage included; Bucharest – Milan – Bucharest, 200 euros, with 10 kg cabin luggage and 23 kg hold luggage included,” the company representatives highlight.
The flights are operated under special conditions, under the incidence of Government Resolution 394/18 May 2020, and, considering this, passengers to be accepted aboard the aircraft must comply with the following: from Italy to Romania there will only be accepted citizens wanting to be repatriated, and from Romania to Italy they must be Italian citizens or seasonal workers on a labour agreement or transport workers, provided in annex 3 to the communication on the implementation of green lanes, based on the directives regarding the measures for the border management, aimed at health protection and ensuring the availability of essential goods and services.
TAROM recommends that before the flight the passengers observe the special travel rules, which can be consulted at https://www.tarom.ro/masuri-de-calatorie.
Via Agerpres