UNIQA Romania reached net profit of 2.4 million Euro in first quarter

The gross premiums subscribed by the UNIQA Insurance and UNIQA Life Insurance companies reached a total of 23.8 million Euro in the first quarter of 2020, according to IFRS, with six percent below those registered in the same period of 2019.
Total net profit recorded by both UNIQA companies in the first quarter of 2020 was 2.4 million Euro, according to IFRS, standing at an improved level compared to the same period of the previous year. This is due to the measures in the car insurance portfolio, with positive results on the CASCO segment.
“The first part of 2020 came with major challenges for everyone, by triggering an unprecedented health crisis in terms of size and impact. Its effects will be clearer in the coming months, but the results of the first quarter and the speed with which we managed to adapt our activity to this new reality show us that we are a stable, prepared and responsible company. The digital solutions developed by UNIQA, the way we recalibrated our processes and products to the risks generated by the coronavirus pandemic and, last but not least, the quality of our team of specialists help us to continue our activity without major challenges and in complete safety. We have the right expertise and tools to remain a factor of stability and a reliable partner for both our clients and employees,” said Franz Weiler, CEO of UNIQA Asigurari.