DANIEL APOSTOL, Founder Romania Durabila: Sustainability comes in line with vision of leaders and with the actions meant to meet the objectives

“Within the dialogue context of sustainability, we are talking more about added value, the result of the action, the social responsibility of various corporations, enterprises and entrepreneurial companies. Sustainability comes hand in hand with the vision of leaders and with the actions meant to meet the objectives. In this extremely interesting year, the business landscape has been forced to change, with visible impact in the economic and social areas. The adjustment of business plan is being done now in real time, at the present time. The reconstruction of the economy is now a process run at the present time, projecting on the future,” stated DANIEL APOSTOL, Founder Romania Durabila.
The statement has been uttered within today’s e-conference dedicated to SUSTAINABILITY IN BUSINESS – Practice what you Preach.
The event benefits from the endorsement of Gold Partners Wipro, Arval, Enel, Telekom, Romgaz, Innova Project Consulting, MOL, Hidroelectrica, Electrica, Transelectrica, Partners Borsec, Sea One, Wave, Supporting associations Department for Sustainable Development of the Government, ACUE, AHK (German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce), BRCC (The British Romanian Chamber of Commerce), ASR (Sustainability Embassy in Romania), ClujIT, Media Partners Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic.
The e-conferences, powered by The Diplomat-Bucharest, are a brand new media product, designed to deliver easy and fast, directly to the core audience, the valuable insights of senior figures, experts and the most known specialists in the strategic industries, to discuss some of the most pressing aspects in today’s economy landscape.