Sodexo partners with Netopia to allow meal card holders to place orders at restaurants and pay by phone

Sodexo Romania has signed a partnership with Netopia Payments to allow Gusto Pass card holders to place and pay orders at the restaurant exclusively using their mobile phones, through the mobilPay Delivery program, developed by mobilPay Wallet app. Two other mobile payment tools, Sodexo Pay and Apple Pay, are already being used by over 10 percent of the employees owning an extra-salary benefit card issued by Sodexo Romania.
“Sodexo becomes the first ticket issuer in Romania to activate mobile payments for food delivery platforms. We expect as many restaurants as possible to join this project,” says Sven Marinus, CEO Sodexo Pass Romania.
This new service is meant to supports operators in the HoReCa industry, one of the areas hardest hit by the pandemic restrictions in recent months.