Valeriu Binig, Enel: “Romania is doomed to decentralization, flexibility is the key word for the future”

“We are in the middle of a very serious attempt at resilience and digitization. We need to assess the impact on investment activity,” Valeriu Binig, Director, Regulatory and Antitrust, Enel said during the Energy CEO Forum 2020, organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“We have to thank the IT teams of the companies, which were practically the ones who endured the major shock of this profound and sudden transformation. If we were able to continue the normal activities, and the clients did not feel the quality of the services being affected, it was due to the heroes who were in the field, but also to the heroes who transformed the information systems of the energy companies,” he said.
“From my point of view, Romania is doomed to decentralization. We need to focus on flexibility, which includes cross-border interconnections, decentralized energy production, storage solutions. The key word for the future is flexibility.”