Completion of the 400 kV Overhead Power Line Oradea – Bekescsaba enters in straight line: CNTEE Transelectrica SA resumes the execution works of the Oradea – Nadab section
The National Electricity Transmission Company Transelectrica SA signed the execution contract for the works for the completion of the Oradea Sud – Nadab section, part of the Oradea – Bekescsaba 400 kV Overhead Power Line. The works have a value of over 4 million lei and will be completed within 12 months by Electromontaj SA.
„Completion of the investment The 400 kV Overhead Power Line Oradea Sud – Nadab has been one of the priority objectives since the beginning of our mandate. I found this project stuck in the process of acquiring the execution works, without too many steps made in 2018, from the moment of obtaining the Government Decision for expropriation. We understood the importance of this investment for both the Company and the National Energy System, and for more than half a year we have accelerated the processes, through efficient measures, and we have managed to remove all the blockages. The result was as expected: we completed a public procurement process and awarded the contract for the execution of the works. Thank you to the team of professionals from the Company who contributed significantly to the resumption of the investment,” said Catalin NITU, General Executive Director, President of the Management Board of CNTEE Transelectrica SA.
The Oradea-Bekescsaba 400 kV Overhead Power Line project, a total investment of over 83 million lei, has been blocked since 2008 due to difficulties encountered in the expropriation process on the Oradea Sud – Nadab section. Thus, the 400 kV OHL Oradea – Bekescsaba was put into use only partially, namely the double circuit section, the 400 kV OHL Nadab (RO) – Bekescsaba (HU): 60 kilometers, of which 22 kilometers on the Romanian territory, simultaneously with 400 kV OHL Arad-Nadab. The 400 kV OHL section Oradea Sud – Nadab has a total length of 72 km, simple circuit A and is partially completed.
The commissioning of the Oradea Sud – Nadab section and thus the completion of the 400 kV OHL Oradea – Bekescsaba contributes to the completion of the 400 kV ring in the West, Romania’s priority objective, with a significant impact on increasing operational safety and minimizing risks in power supply. electricity of consumers in the northwestern part of the country. Also, in terms of operational safety, it should be noted that the Oradea-Bekescsaba 400 kV OHL has a reliability superior to existing lines, being designed based on new standards, which take into account the increasing impact of meteorological phenomena.
At the same time, the completion of this line will lead to the elimination of some costs regarding the congestions in the northwest area, with an impact both on the price to the final consumer of electricity, and on the income and expenditure budget of CNTEE Transelectrica SA. At the level of 2019, the costs regarding the congestions in the northwest area amounted to about 1.6 million lei.
By completing the 400 kV OHL Oradea Sud – Nadab, it will increase the interconnection transfer capacity on the export direction by 100 MW, and on the import direction by 300 MW, which contributes to Romania’s compliance with its obligations from the implementation of EU Regulations. This investment will also play a significant role in achieving the European Union’s goal of achieving the European Single Energy Market, which aims at social welfare (reducing the price of electricity to the final consumer by increasing competition and competitiveness).