Israel willing to share all experience and technologies with Romania, Ambassador Saranga says

The Ambassador of the State of Israel, David Saranga, declared on Tuesday that his country is willing to share “all the experience and technologies” with Romania, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The diplomat made the statement during the “Romania-Israel G2G Healthcare” forum, broadcast online, which had as its topic on the second wave of infection with the new coronavirus.
“The fact that this is the first meeting at government level, the fact that it is on the topic of Health means that we have a lot of work to do in this field (…) We are willing to share all our experience and technologies with Romania, Romania being one of the our strongest partners, I can say a close friend and an ally, whether we are talking politically or economically, any area can be relevant. We are here to share our knowledge,” the diplomat pointed out.
He stressed that the main topics addressed at Tuesday’s meeting will be telemedicine and the management of digital medical records.
In his turn, the Secretary of State with the Ministry of Health Andrei Baciu said that telemedicine “is one of the strategic sectors in the field of e-Health”.
“Today we have the opportunity to share good practice with professionals around the world,” said the secretary of state, adding that digital medical records are “a determining factor in the progress of medicine around the world.”
“In the coming weeks we will have important news regarding digital medicine,” he said, noting that the government’s priority is to “digitize the entire public administration system.”
Via Agerpres / Photo: Shahar Ezran