Government to approve measures for employees and employers; budgetary impact 2.5 billion RON

The Government is about to adopt a package of measures at the Friday meeting to help employees and employers facing problems with their contracts, business turnover. The measures will be adopted through an emergency ordinance aimed to support employees and employers, the context of the epidemiological situation generated by the spreading of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and to increase the employment rate.
“The normative act regulates a measure meant to support the return to activity, in the form of a temporary financing scheme, of employees who will have a reduced work schedule. Considering some unpredictable and exceptional situations that trigger specific rules in certain fields so that the activity flow can continue in a healthy and safe environment while meeting certain parameters in terms of economic efficiency too, the normative act established the possibility for the employer to reduce the number of working hours of the employees, by up to 50 per cent of the working time stipulated in the labour agreement, with a corresponding cut in the salary. In exchange, these employees will benefit from an allowance of 75 per cent of the difference between their salary as stipulated in the labour agreement and the salary corresponding to the actual number of hours worked,” reads the explanatory note of the normative act, debate at the government meeting last week.
Via Agerpres