BCR provided schools in rural areas with more than 300 IT equipment, as part of the IT4Kids program

BCR joined the ”IT4Kids in rural areas” project, initiated by Școala informală de IT, and donated more than 300 IT equipment. The program’s aim is to improve access to modern education (including remote learning) for students living in rural areas, in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic and because children cannot attend school in this period.
The donated equipment (laptops, tablets, routers, etc.) were distributed in 15 educational institutions in Sălaj, Sibiu, Cluj, Iași, Dolj, Constanța and Buzău counties. All IT equipment collected was sanitized, formatted and equipped with operating systems by Ecotic, A.P.D.E.T.I.C. și Ateliere fără frontiere, that were project partners.
“We are glad to be able to support the IT4Kids project, that is extremely useful especially in the current context, but also for the future. No matter what happens in the next period, whether schools will remain online or not, the digital component will be more and more present and will influence education in many ways. The laptop or tablet should not be seen as a SF object by a child, regardless of the environment he or she comes from. Therefore, any means by which we can facilitate access to technology, for children as well as teachers, is a very important investment with long-term effects for them, but also for society”, said Ionuț Stanimir, BCR Marketing Director.
In addition, the IT4Kids project provided valuable support to over 120 teachers living in rural areas from Sibiu, Sălaj and Cluj counties, who participated to online (free) courses of ”Introduction to Zoom and Google Classroom communication platforms”, delivered by mentors of Școala informală de IT.
Founded in 2013, Școala informală de IT is a national leader in the field of non-formal education and vocational retraining in the IT field. So far, over 5,000 technology enthusiasts have graduated from the school’s IT courses in the largest 7 IT hubs in the country (București, Cluj-Napoca, Iași, Timișoara, Brașov, Sibiu and Craiova). The active community of over 100 practicing mentors in large national and international IT companies offers career mentoring and coaching to students who want a chance to start again. Școala informală de IT is a partner of over 120 top companies in the IT & Software industry.