TeraPlast Board of Directors proposes the distribution of dividends worth 44 million RON

TeraPlast has announced the preliminary proposal of the Board of Directors on the distribution of the dividends corresponding to the interim financial statements covering 9 months, ending on September 30, 2020. The preliminary proposal considered by the Board of Directors is to distribute dividends amounting to 44 – 48 million RON.
The amount that shall be composed of the distributable reserves, set-up in the previous years, and the net profit corresponding to the first nine months of 2020, as it will be determined according to the interim financial statements. The final proposal of the Board of Directors shall be included in the documents of the ordinary general assembly of Teraplast shareholders, that shall be prepared and published according to the applicable law, a release shows.
TeraPlast Board of Directors emphasizes that the preliminary proposal on the distribution of dividends can be amended as it is based on the first six months evolution and the estimates regarding the future evolution that can be influenced by events beyond the control of its management or Board of Directors
The final proposal of the Board of Directors on the distribution of dividends shall be notified when the convocation of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders is published, namely on October 26, 2020, and it shall be submitted to the shareholders for approval.