Marian Popa, Deutsche Bank Technologies: “If we manage to have a 40-50 percent digitalization and use of IT in the whole country, then we can proudly say that the ship is sailing”

“If people are empowered and are working independent and are communicating well with each other, then obviously things are going well irrespective if someone is looking or not looking. Trust is not symbolizing only evidence, trust is also symbolizing the push. You are giving something to push it forward,” Marian Popa, General Manager, Deutsche Bank Technologies said during the web conference Workplace of the future powered by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“I think we have to take the computers much more as a normal part of our life. Working in the IT sector, we have been a little bit more blessed because we are used to the computer skills. We are also very fortunate that we have one of the best internet connection in the world, which makes a big difference because there isn’t anything which you cannot put on the internet. The problem is actually to do it. In the past we faced two major problems. One of the problems was the fact that we have taken our basic activity as granted and we considered that the way in which things are working they are going to work forever. I found very few business continuity plans if something goes wrong, not necessarily a virus. When we have the possibility, we should use it to the maximum,” he explained.
“In order to make the difference, we have to push IT being used everywhere. Too many people are just linked to the past. We have to unblock this blocker which is extremely damaging. If we manage to have a 40-50 percent digitalization and use of IT in the whole country, then we can proudly say that the ship is sailing.
Waiting to see what happens is the worst possible option. We have to take decisions and when things are changing we have to adjust those decisions. Uncertainty is not an option during this period. It is very important to develop business continuity plan. We have to think about the unthinkable and come up with solutions and put them into the budget.”
We thank all our event Partners VASTINT, CBRE, WAVE, SEA ONE, supporting business associations ANIS, ClujIT, BRCC, Fab Lab Iasi and Media Partners Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic, Pin Magazine, as well as all the speakers and panel moderator Colin Lovering, Vice-president BRCC.
We invite you to find the full conference debate recording and the main statements uttered within the event on, being shared on The Diplomat-Bucharest Fb, The Diplomat-Bucharest linkedin and Youtube The Diplomat-Bucharest.