Tudor Ionescu, CBRE: “The leadership and the quality of the office will bring us back to the office”

“The work from home really made ask us more deeper questions like what is the meaning of our work, how are we adding value. The communication was one of the greatest challenges in the latest times. For us it was a challenge to keep the conversation going and open with our clients,” Tudor Ionescu, Head of Advisory & Transaction Services, Office Sector, CBRE said during the web conference Workplace of the future powered by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“The work from home really made a leap in the way we use technology. It’s like two years ahead just by having to stay at home and adapt quickly. It’s amazing to hear about a virtual clinic being put in operation in just 10 days. We are all slowly becoming data and technology companies. It’s no longer a discussion of humans vs. machines, it’s more about humans and machines together in the same space dedicated to work,” he explained. “The future of the workplace will go into two categories of technology, the assistive category and the symbiotic category. How long do you think it’s going to be before the workplace senses that you are tired and delivers you a coffee?The office is a platform for interaction, where we can be together and have experiences that technology can’t provide us. The leadership and the quality of the office will bring us back to the office.”
We thank all our event Partners VASTINT, CBRE, WAVE, SEA ONE, supporting business associations ANIS, ClujIT, BRCC, Fab Lab Iasi and Media Partners Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic, Pin Magazine, as well as all the speakers and panel moderator Colin Lovering, Vice-president BRCC.
We invite you to find the full conference debate recording and the main statements uttered within the event on http://www.thediplomat.ro, being shared on The Diplomat-Bucharest Fb, The Diplomat-Bucharest linkedin and Youtube The Diplomat-Bucharest.