Ovidiu Campean, Cluj-Napoca Municipality: “We have a partnership with the World Bank to elaborate a vision for 2030”

“We have several strategic directions, now we are working on the basis of documents such as the General Urban Plan, the development strategy of the municipality, the integrated development strategy for the metropolitan area. We now have a partnership with the World Bank to update these strategies and to have a vision for Cluj-Napoca until 2030 and even until 2050,” Ovidiu Campean, Director of Local Development and Project, Management Division Cluj-Napoca Municipality said during the Smart Transformation Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“Our strategic directions are Sustainable urban mobility, Cluj Innovation Hub, Green City, Educational and health infrastructure, participatory governance tools. The main objective is to increase the citizens ’quality of life,” he explained.
“In terms of sustainable mobility, we have several important directions: 100% electric public transport by 2030; 100 million Euro invested in the public transport fleet. We have dedicated bus lanes towards every neighborhood of the city, a smart mobility app, we have an intelligent transportation system.”
The event benefited from the support of GOLD PARTNERS Distributie Oltenia, Bosch, SDEE Muntenia Nord, Vastint, EY, Next-E, MOL, Siemens, Group Renault, SAS, Signify Romania, Transelectrica, PARTNERS Engie, Sea One, Wave, supporting authorities and associations ADR, ANCOM, ANIS, ClujIT, ACUE, FabLab Iasi and Media Partners Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic and PIN Magazine.