Razvan Copoiu, Signify Romania: “There are both social and economic benefits of innovative lighting projects”

“When we talk about a smart city, Signify thinks of smart buildings and outdoor. Think of an empty street, where the light intensity is 30% or 50%, depending on what the user wants. If a person or a car appears, the street will be lit according to certain specifications so that it has the maximum light and is safe for the citizens,” Razvan Copoiu, CEO Signify Romania said during the Smart Transformation Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“At the moment, there are LED street lighting projects, but the next step is to use lights to collect data in a cloud and observe different trends. There are both social and economic benefits of these innovative lighting projects. Light quality is also very important, as it can have an impact on productivity, behavior and mood. Signify has developed an innovative product, lighting fixtures that provide internet in the areas where they are installed.”