ALEXANDRU VESCU, Head of Electric Vehicles Sales, Groupe Renault, SMART TRANSFORMATION FORUM 2020: The road to e-mobility has opened up

The road to e-mobility has opened up. Although the car market has fallen quite a bit lately, the electric vehicle market has grown by 20-30 percent. We have more and more volumes and players and we have exceeded 1 percent of the market and if we add the rest of hybrid vehicles and plug-in hybrids, in the future, we could reach 10 percent from the automotive market locally. This is a significant and increasing market share. We must make efforts as producers and as distributors of energy and authorities for this market to grow.
Regarding the autonomy, the electric vehicles are from the 2nd or 3rd generation of batteries, with the autonomies of 400 km, similar to gas-fueled vehicles. Zoe, for example, has an automomy range of 400 km. Lately, I have noticed an explosion of car sharing, including in Bucharest. There are more and more companies that focus on electric mobility. We have sold a fleet of 400 electric cars to a car sharing company. It is a phenomenon that will be seen on the street more and more.
There are European programs to support public charging stations and we hope that they will be more and more present in Romania.
The statements have been uttered within the fifth edition of Smart
Transformation Forum on 9 September 2020.
The event benefited from the support of GOLD PARTNERS Distributie
Oltenia, Bosch, SDEE Muntenia Nord, Vastint, EY, Next-E, MOL, Siemens, Group
Renault, SAS, Signify Romania, Transelectrica, PARTNERS Engie, Sea One, Wave,
supporting authorities and associations ADR, ANCOM, ANIS, ClujIT, ACUE, FabLab
Iasi and Media Partners Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul,
Romania Durabila, Club Economic and PIN Magazine.