CAMELIA ENE, CEO, MOL Romania, SMART TRANSFORMATION FORUM 2020: We actively participate at the reinvention of transport in the CEE

The oil & gas industry transforms under the impact and pressure generated by fast changes in consumers’ behavior, technological changes and environment-protection regulations. We believe that these fundamental changes represent an opportunity for us to adapt our products and services to meet the demands of consumers who are constantly moving. We expect fuel demand to remain stable until 2040 but we are preparing for an electric future of mobility. The rise of electric cars is developing rapidly and in the long run.
Similar to other European market segments, the fuel market is changing at a rapid pace, according to the automotive market dynamics, transportation, tourism and the entire economy. Consumer needs are increasingly diversified. Openness to a future of mobility is a reality in Romania and Europe where we already see a rapid increase in the use of electric vehicles.
Proper development of the necessary infrastructure for electric vehicles is needed. We want to keep up with innovation in services that meet the increasingly diverse needs of consumers. Our goal is to become a leader in the electric vehicle charging market in the CEE, using our investment capabilities in innovation and service tailored to customer needs. We are an active participant in the reinvention of transport in the CEE.
Since 2017, in Romania, we have been investing in the construction of the infrastructure of electric charging stations along this European corridor. The NEXT-E consortium, of which we are part together with E-ON Romania, Nissan, BMW received a financing of near 19 million Euro through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program for the construction of 252 fast and ultra-fast charging stations for electric vehicles in Central and Eastern Europe, including Romania. At this moment, we have a coverage of electric charging stations in 12 counties on the Romanian territory. By the end of 2020, 40 fast charging stations will be available, of which 20 will be implemented by Mol Romania and 19 by E-ON Romania, our partner in the NEXT-E consortium.
The statements have been uttered within the fifth edition of Smart Transformation Forum on 9 September 2020
The event benefited from the support of GOLD PARTNERS Distributie Oltenia, Bosch, SDEE Muntenia Nord, Vastint, EY, Next-E, MOL, Siemens, Group Renault, SAS, Signify Romania, Transelectrica, PARTNERS Engie, Sea One, Wave, supporting authorities and associations ADR, ANCOM, ANIS, ClujIT, ACUE, FabLab Iasi and Media Partners Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic and PIN Magazine.