RADU DUDAU, Director Energy Policy Group, SMART TRANSFORMATION FORUM 2020: The local authorities become more and more relevant actors and have the opportunity to work on their true potential
Posted On September 11, 2020
I would like to underline the role of local authorities as dialogue partners and enablers of business endeavors. In the next years, we will witness a change of paradigm. Local authorities have not only the opportunity, but also the obligation to access European funds and to move to a new level of competence, involvement and understanding of the evolution of the business environment. Thus, local authorities become more and
more relevant actors and have the opportunity to work on their true potential.
At European level, we have a diversified understanding of the transition to decarbonizing the transport sector, including mobility but also other types of fuel that enjoy support, such as compressed natural gas, liquefied natural fuels, hydrogen as the fuel of the future. We also have a law that transposes this European directive, a national plan that has set some targets for this infrastructure. It is justified to have a complex approach and to understand that there is no simple and universal solution to solve in a simplistic way this huge challenge which is to decarbonize the transport segment.
The statements have been uttered within the fifth edition of Smart Transformation Forum on 9 September 2020
The event benefited from the support of GOLD PARTNERS Distributie Oltenia, Bosch, SDEE Muntenia Nord, Vastint, EY, Next-E, MOL, Siemens, Group Renault, SAS, Signify Romania, Transelectrica, PARTNERS Engie, Sea One, Wave, supporting authorities and associations MTIC, AMR, ADR, ANCOM, ANIS, ClujIT, ACUE, FabLab Iasi and Media Partners Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic and PIN Magazine.
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