Banca Transilvania has ‘its engines running’ for the distribution of grants intended to support the entrepreneurs

Banca Transilvania is a partner bank in the European funds for entrepreneurs grants program and is ready to ensure its rapid development, a release shows. The program – initiated by the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment – is intended to support the companies and the economy. The entrepreneurs with businesses affected by the context generated by the pandemic, can benefit from financing between 2,000 and 200,000 euros through the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014 – 2020.
“It is a 1 billion EUR program that has already generated great interest among the entrepreneurs. Because it is important for companies to have access to grants, they become our priority at BT. We are mobilized and ready. We need to support each other,” said Tiberiu Moisa, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of MidCorporate &SME, Banca Transilvania.
The program has three funding schemes: micro-grants, working capital grants for SMEs and investment grants for SMEs. For companies that choose the third financing option, up to 200,000 euros for investments, Banca Transilvania is also prepared to grant bridging loans, thus replicating the positive experience of another program which BT was part of, namely Start-Up Nation.
Micro-enterprises, small and medium enterprises, but also Registered Sole Traders (PFA) can register online in the program. Banca Transilvania has prepared online information, useful for those who want to choose BT as a partner bank.