The companies performing in the communication with investors, awarded by ARIR on October 19

The Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR) recognizes the performance of listed companies in communicating with investors for the second time in Romania during AR&IR Gala from October 19th, 2020.
Daniela Șerban, ARIR President & Co-Founder:
“ We believe in the performance of listed companies and we support excellence in the communication with investors. In a particularly difficult market context, proactive investor dialogue has been essential. Thus, for the second consecutive year we award the best professionals and their communication programs with investors. In recent months, we have come to the aid of companies to adapt to the new economic environment and we have encouraged transparency.”
The categories awarded are:
- Best CEO
- Best CFO
- Best company in Investor Relations (IR)
- Best IR Professional
The ranking was establish following the evaluation of global buy and sell-side professionals, active on the Romanian capital market through Institutional Investor Research platform.
Individual investors are invited to vote the company with which they communicated best in the last year. Between September 28th and October 12th, they can express their opinion through ARIR website ( We encourage investors to rate the transparency of companies, the quality of the reporting and their communication from the perspective of availability and proactivity of the Investor Relations team.
Considering the growing importance given by investors to non-financial information and the transition to the new status of emerging market that will bring the Romanian capital market in the loop of a new category of investors, ARIR will award for the first time “The Best Sustainability Report”. The listed companies will be able to apply through a representative for this evaluation. The request will be sent to ARIR ( ) until October 7th, 2020 and will include the link to their sustainability report.
The evaluation will be performed by an independent jury composed of Adina Ardeleanu – Co-Founder Financial Intelligence, Adrian Codîrlașu – President CFA Romania, Cristian Petre -Investment Manager NN Pensii, Mihaela Stoica – CEO Intercapital Invest and Mugur Popescu – Investment Director BCR Pensii, based on a set of criteria defined together with top specialists from the market.
AR&IR GALA is organized with the support of our strategic partners ALRO (one of the largest vertically integrated aluminum producers in Europe, by production capacity, ARIR Founding member), Bucharest Stock Exchange (organizes and manages the regulated markets of financial instruments, ARIR Founding member), Electrica (key player in the electricity distribution and supply market in Romania, ARIR Associate member), TeraPlast (parent company of TeraPlast Group, the largest Romanian producer of construction materials, ARIR Founding member), Banca Transilvania (the largest bank in South-Eastern Europe, ARIR Associate member).
Media partners are: Radio România Actualități,, Financial Intelligence, The Diplomat,, Economistul, Club Economic, România Durabilă. Monitoring partners are Klarmedia and Issue Monitoring.
About Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR):
ARIR is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that was set-up to provide current and potential issuers a platform for the development of Investor Relations (IR) professionals and contribute to the implementation of best practices in investor communication and corporate governance. It was established in November 2018 and has as members listed companies, companies with potential to become listed companies, fund managers, IR professionals as well as consultants. The founding members are BVB, ALRO, Electromagnetica, Franklin Templeton Management – Bucharest Branch, Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica, Teraplast, Transelectrica, Daniela Șerban, Cosmin Răduță and Tony Romani, while Electrica, OMV Petrom, Antibiotice, Idea Bank, BRK Financial Group, Banca Transilvania and Transgaz joined as Associate Members and INNOVA Project Consulting and ENVISIA as Affiliate Members.
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