Kostas Fiakas, Inform Lykos: “One of the challenges in order to implement digital transformation in Romania is having a clear regulatory framework”

“Fintech and banks are working together in delivering amazing results so far, offering an enhanced experience for the end-users. Some main trends that we see are the banking aggregation solutions and digital customer onboarding. We invest in digital solutions, offering clients an agile approach. So far we have very good results with the customers we are working with in various regions,” Kostas Fiakas, Chief Strategy Officer, Inform Lykos said during the Digital Transformation Conference – Fintech & Banking.
“Because of Covid-19, now everything attracts investments especially in the development of new services. I would point the online commerce as a main competitor, which is very well linked with the retail business for all segments, not only for banking, but also for utilities and others. Online commerce definitely requires investments for development, in the sense of digital transformation that would enable the sale of goods and services to the consumers in all the channels.
I would say that one of the challenges in order to implement digital transformation in Romania is having a clear regulatory framework. This is a challenge we face when delivering digital solutions on any segment, especially in regulated environments like the banking sector. Romania has done amazing steps into the digital area. Austriacard Group has a vast experience in the financial segment, we have partnerships with big names like Visa, Mastercard and various technology vendors. We are a company that can fully support the delivery of digital solutions in the banking sector.”
The event benefitted from the support of DIAMOND PARTNER Wipro Limited, GOLD PARTNERS ACCA, Inform Lykos, OTP Bank, STRATEGIC PARTNERS ARB (Romanian Association of Banks), CIO Council, ARIR (Romanian Investor Relations Association), PARTNERS Arval, Sea One, Wave, WITH THE SUPPORT of ANIS, Cluj IT, FabLab Iasi, and MEDIA PARTNERS Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic and Pin Magazine.