Hidroelectrica celebrates 60 years since the commissioning of hydroelectric unit 2 of CHE Stejaru

Hidroelectrica announces the 60th anniversary of the commissioning of hydroelectric unit 2 of CHE Stejaru, the first high-power hydropower plant on inland rivers in Romania, a moment that was practically the birth of hydropower in Romania, the company says.
The plant itself includes 6 generating sets, of which 4 with an installed capacity of 27.50 MW, one of 50 MW and one of 55 MW (newly refurbished).
“We want to continue the remarkable work begun by our predecessors and rise to the level of what they dreamed of for future generations. We have not only the will, but also the financial capacity to complete the investments we have undertaken and we are constantly fighting in this direction, whether it is refurbishments, modernizations or new projects,” said Bogdan Badea, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hidroelectrica.
For the refurbishment of CHE Dimitrie Leonida – Stejaru, Hidroelectrica signed in 2015 a works contract worth 75 million euros. This year, the process of refurbishment of the first hydro unit (HA no. 6) out of a total of six was completed, which, in addition to entering a new life and commercial operation cycle, also benefited from an increase in power from 50 to 55 MW.