Mihai Boldijar, Bosch Romania: “Now it is the time of experience and practicing inclusive leadership”

“In this period, keeping a high positive level it is important. We seem to be in the perfect storm right now. A combination of uncertainties triggers now the most severe disruptions from the past decades. I can say we face the highest level of uncertainty that it is challenging us as leaders but also the people, staff and our associates. There is no perfect way o remedy and easy pass on this.
Now, the CEOs and leaders need, more than ever, to make sure they are getting the right information. We are bombarded with a lot of contractionary info. We have to make sure our decisions are based on the right information and double and maybe even triple check it. The fast pace of things happening from one minute to another makes us decide on the spot. So, we need to adjust our strategy based on the right information. Also, leaders, CEOs and everyone involved in leading teams, has to focus on the employees’ and associates’ wellbeing and safety. They also have to communicate transparently, send the message in time and make sure to involve in all the decisions they are taking. Organizations and leaders need to exercise and gain the trust of their employees.
It is a time of experience and practicing inclusive leadership. This is, in my opinion, the most reliable and suitable leadership in this period of time that we don’t know how long it will last. We have to make sure that employees, either they are working in fields or plants, are safe and empowered by the trust they have in their leaders.”
The statement has been uttered within the 6th edition of PEOPLE EMPOWERING BUSINESS FORUM 2020. The event benefitted from the support of DIAMOND PARTNER Wipro Ltd., GOLD PARTNERS Vastint, Acca, Noerr, Majorel PARTNERS Romgaz, Wave, Sea One, SUPPORTING ASSOCIATIONS BRCC, ANIS, ClujIT, FabLab Iasi, Pin Magazine and MEDIA PARTNERS Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic.