MIRCEA DRAGHICI, Site Lead, Account Delivery Operations, Wipro @People Empowering Forum 2020: We try to make the emotional pressure and stress to be reduced as much as possible on daily basis

Within the new work environment, our organization has a slight advantage because WFH is not new for us. On daily basis, our employees, staff and leaders are used to working in virtual teams, global teams and we already knew how to navigate within the new work reality.
Of course, due to pandemic, during this year, people have been aware about what a safe environment involves. Regarding the way of working, I encourage the meetings to get shorter and make the emotional pressure and the stress to be reduced as much as possible.
The statement has been uttered within the 6th edition of PEOPLE EMPOWERING BUSINESS FORUM 2020. The event benefitted from the support of DIAMOND PARTNER Wipro Ltd., GOLD PARTNERS Vastint, Acca, Noerr, Majorel PARTNERS Romgaz, Wave, Sea One, SUPPORTING ASSOCIATIONS BRCC, ANIS, ClujIT, FabLab Iasi, Pin Magazine and MEDIA PARTNERS Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic.
The sixth edition of PEOPLE EMPOWERING BUSINESS FORUM 2020 organized online by The Diplomat-Bucharest on October, 14 depicted the latestnews, trends and findings of the companies and business leaders after nine months already passed from 2020. Under what auspices the year has begun, how it evolved and where we are now in terms of people resources, talents and capitalization of their skills.
The annual event dedicated to the human resources brings together cross industries HR leaders to collaboratively map solutions to the challenges of building sustainable and agile learning organizations. The discussions will be focused on the most successful operating models, as well as characteristics of the talent and leadership the companies need, how data can be leveraged to provide relevant insights, and the technology worth investing in.