Enel signs one billion Euro loan agreement to achieve its sustainability objectives

Enel signed today a one billion euro “Sustainability-Linked Loan” facility agreement with a 6-year term that has been structured as a club deal maturing on October 15, 2026.
This loan is intended to meet the Group’s ordinary financing needs and follows the adoption by Enel of a “Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework”.
In line with the framework, the loan is linked to the Key Performance Indicator (“KPI”) of Renewable Installed Capacity Percentage (i.e., the percentage of consolidated renewable installed capacity on total consolidated installed capacity) and to the related achievement of a Sustainability Performance Target (“SPT”) equal to or greater than 60% by December 31, 2022 (as of June 30, 2020, the figure was equal to 51.9%).
The loan reflects the commitment of Enel to increase “substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030.”
The signing of this loan is in line with Enel’s financial strategy, which is increasingly characterized by sustainable finance as reflected by the objective to achieve a share of sustainable finance sources on total gross debt equal to 43% in 2022 and 77% in 2030.