First mixed experimental science park for advanced technologies in alternative energies to be built in Cluj

National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies (INCDTIM) Cluj-Napoca, in partnership with Cluj Innovation Park, conducts a public tender procedure for the construction of the first mixed experimental science park in the North-West of Romania, the Innovative Cluster for Advanced pilot Technologies in Alternative Energies – CITAT-E, a project financed with EU cohesion policy funds. The announcement was launched during the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020 (12-15 October 2020).
The photovoltaic and wind park, with a total installed capacity of at least 1,000 kW, will be located in Cluj Innovation Park, in the Dealul Lomb area of Cluj, and will test the energy efficiency of photovoltaic panels and modern wind energy installations in real conditions and will encourage decentralized consumption of energy from renewable sources. The park will have to be completed on August 31, 2021.
The green energy produced will be consumed experimentally by the science and technology park Cluj Innovation Park, and the results obtained will be used to configure a consumption behaviour specific to this area, that can be replicated at national level. In the future, the benefits could be significant, especially in areas where there is an energy deficit, and this could be an alternative energy supply solution at national level. The researchers from the institute involved in this project will install energy recovery units for real-time testing of the energy efficiency of photovoltaic panels and wind installations that will operate in the park.
The main project outcomes include the production of clean sustainable energy for a scientific park of 2.2 ha, the study of ecologic and renewable energy storage, and the realisation of tests, measurements, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and monitoring of the research results.
This experimental laboratory will also allow RDI capacity in the field of alternative energies to increase research capabilities in the TREC Transylvania Energy Cluster cluster, while supporting the capacity of cluster companies to increase competitiveness and productivity on an innovative basis.
Established in 2015, TREC currently brings together 39 entities, including three universities, three research institutes, the Municipality of Cluj-Napoca, local development and technological agencies and private companies (both multinationals and SMEs).
This park will enable economic operators to see for themselves that renewable, clean energy produced with adequate equipment and consumed efficiently is an extremely viable alternative to conventional energy, thus increasing the attractiveness of investors in this field in the future.
The total budget of the project is 2.75 million Euro and is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Programme Competitiveness Priority – Axis 1 – “Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RDI ) in support of economic competitiveness and business development. The project has a duration of 52 months – 01.06.2016 – 31.08.2021.