Mask to become mandatory in all open spaces in Bucharest: Prime Minister

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced that in Bucharest the protection mask will become mandatory in all open spaces, and school classes will go in online system, after the cumulated incidence of infection cases for the novel coronavirus exceeded the threshold of three per thousand people.
“In agreement with the legal provisions, with the government decision regarding the state of alert, the Public Health Directorate relays to the Prefecture within 24 hours and the Prefecture convokes the City Committee for Emergency Situation within maximum 48 hours. The Prefect of Bucharest will call the meeting of the City Committee for Emergency Situations, will note the exceeding of the threshold of three per thousand people and will decide the measures that are set down by the provisions of the law and the Government decision regarding the state of alert,” said the Prime Minister.
He mentioned that the main measures are provided for in the text of the decision adopted by the Government
“Firstly the obligation to wear masks in all public spaces, together with closed spaces – it should not be understood that it’s allowed to not wear masks indoors, no. So, the obligation to wear masks in all open spaces. Two: the suspension of school courses and the organization of courses, classes in the online system in all schools. Three: suspension of activities in theaters, cinemas, restaurants, cafes, in closed spaces. These are the main measures which are adopted. They are known since the moment we have presented after adoption the Government decision regarding the prolongation of the state of alert and the City Commitee for Emergency situation will have to implement them and, obviously, find an implementation plan,” Orban mentioned.
In what regards the online scenario for schools, he stated that an ordinance to support parents is to be adopted.
Via Agerpres