Enel Group net ordinary income reached 3.6 billion Euro, up 9 percent in first nine months

In the first nine months of 2020, the Enel Group has continued the decarbonization process while delivering a net ordinary income of 3.6 billion Euro, up 9 percent, despite the challenging environment and the COVID-19 situation, a release shows.
Ordinary EBITDA stood at 13.1 billion € in line versus previous year thanks to: i) the growth in renewables driven by the new capacity deployed in the last quarter of 2019 and in 2020 (4.1 GW over the last 12 months) , ii) the integrated business model that has protected the Group’s economic results against market fluctuations and iii) the resiliency of the European Networks supported by solid regulatory frameworks.
Accelerating decarbonization process
In the 9M2020, the Group’s total coal capacity declined by -39% YOY
900 MW of new renewable capacity was commissioned in the 3Q only, and in the last 12 months 4,100 MW of new renewable capacity have been installed
Group energy production from coal declined by 71% while renewable energy production increased by +8% or almost +6TWh
Emission free production increased to 65% up by 10 percentage points versus the previous year