BCR launches ‘the first financial mindfulness program’ in Romania

BCR launches the program „Financial mindfulness: how to improve your relationship with money. Financial education program in 21 steps”. Created in collaboration with psychotherapist Gáspár György and structured in 21 easy-to-follow steps, the program is the first of its kind in Romania. With the help of this program, those who go through it will understand how they can develop a more conscious and balanced financial behavior, a release shows.
„Alongside BCR, we created a program of self-knowledge and financial development, meant to heal our relationship with money and increase our dividends of happiness. The 21 steps, which consist of a series of concrete actions, can guide us in achieving financial goals and recognizing that money is only a means to navigate in life, and not the final destination”, says psychotherapist Gáspár György.
The program consists of 21 daily steps, designed in the form of lessons that provide information meant to familiarize those who approach the topic, but also practical exercises for a better understanding of the subject presented. Mindfulness refers to the state of conscious presence, focusing attention on the present moment, intentionally, and eliminating critical judgment. Applied in the management of our relationship with money, it allows us to gain a better understanding of our actions and thoughts, but also develop skills that lead to smart financial choices.
Topics in the program include:
- Financial typologies;
- Money and shame;
- Emotional shopping;
- The link between generosity and financial well-being;
- The link between savings and empathy.
The program is part of the project Money School (Școala de Bani), launched four years ago, through which BCR supports financial education in Romania, both among adults and children. Starting November, the website www.scoaladebani.ro has a new and improved interface, meant to facilitate access to information, exercises and useful tips for all those who want to develop their financial intelligence.
The Financial Mindfulness program can be accessed free of charge by anyone on the page www.scoaladebani.ro, by simply creating an account on the site. When they finish the program, participants will receive a diploma for attending and have the opportunity to participate in an individual financial education lesson, with one of the Money School teachers.