Zitec launches ‘digitization guide’ for Romanian city halls

Zitec, leader on the IT & digital marketing market in Romania, launched “The Essential Guide for Digitizing City Hall”, an extensive set of recommendations for reducing bureaucracy, eliminating queues and streamlining the activity of city halls in Romania, developed by the Regista.ro team.
The company’s representatives state that, although lately the digitization and bureaucratization of public institutions are common topics in the public agenda, progress in this direction remains quite slow.
Romania is the country with the second fastest fixed internet in Europe (according to the Speedtest.net report from April 2020), but in many public administrations in the country the citizen still has to wait in line to submit or obtain various documents, pay taxes or simply to receive information.
In order to meet the efforts of local elected officials who want to bring the mayor’s office closer to the citizens, the Zitec team developed a short questionnaire, available on the Regista.ro website, meant to help them assess the degree of digitalization of the mayor’s office they lead. . After completing it, if the result does not reveal a 100% digitization percentage, the respondent will receive by email the Essential Guide for the Digitization of the City Hall.
The document includes a wide range of recommendations, from hardware infrastructure verification, IT security, communication applications, to the use of e-government applications and software solutions for business transparency and efficiency of public services offered to citizens.
“We continue to accelerate the digitization process in public institutions in Romania, in prolonging the efforts of the Regista Caravan and launch the Essential Guide for the Digitization of the City Hall, which we consider very useful in the context of the pandemic, but not only. The questionnaire and the Guide proposed by us are free tools, available to any local authorities who want a preliminary assessment of the level of digitization in the institution and we are convinced that by following the recommendations in the guide, municipalities will take the first steps they serve,” said Alexandru Lapusan, CEO and co-founder of Zitec.
The Regista team provides support in completing and implementing the steps in the document, supporting city hall representatives both in the process of verifying hardware and software solutions already implemented, and in choosing additional applications for security, communication or e-government, necessary in the process of digitization of the City Hall.