Dragos Preda, Secretary of State, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communication: “Telematics and ITS are the DNA of revamped electric transportation”

Dragos Preda, Secretary of State, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communication @ Grid Integration Of Electric Mobility Forum 2020: Telematics and ITS are the DNA of revamped electric transportation
The talks about electrification of auto park have to include digitalization and connectivity. Within the broader discussion of smart cities’ development and diminishing the gaps of rural and urban, the aspects of infrastreucture developments are paramount.
The 5G is a tehnology in the benefit of consumers, this meaning not only the end-users but in the benefit of all operators in the industrial and macro-infrastructure. Drawing a multi-annual and cross-sectoral plan for telecommunications and working on a connectivity strategy based on critical infrastructures, including user infrastructure and financial-banking strategies are also important.
Telematics and ITS are the DNA elements of revamping the transportation.
We need to increase the absorption capacity of EU funds. And this is also related to the simplification of accessing these funds from the state and the involvement of the private party in this direction. Romania will have in the next four years 30.4 billion euros from the EU for the recovery of the economy after the Covid pandemic, money allocated through the recovery mechanism called NextGenerationEU in addition to the multiannual budget of about 48 billion euros. So, the 30.4 billion euros must be spent by Romania in 4 years.
In This respect, Romania must send a National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) to the European Commission in November, which must be approved before it can be implemented. Projects must follow the broad lines drawn by the EU (digitization, environmental protection, increase resilience, structural reforms).
Decisions must be taken in full cause and coordination with the market, with the main operators, while transposing global experiences and, in addition to the cybersecurity area, aiming at educating digital skills for both public service employees and citizens; of the economic environment, as end users. We need a fair standardization, taking into account digital ethics standards… in this regard we had a series of discussions with sociologists specializing in this topic, as well as with global companies in the field of ITS.
The statement has been uttered within the first edition of GRID INTEGRATION OF ELECTRIC MOBILITY FORUM 2020 organized recently by The Diplomat Bucharest.
Electric mobility is the power key-topic of the present demanding a fluent synergy of technology solutions providers, innovators, car producers and energy suppliers. The focus should be maintained on delivering the right technologies to enable a user-friendly integration of electric vehicles into INTELLIGENT POWER GRIDS.
The event benefited from the support of GOLD PARTNERS Engie, Eximprod Grup, PARTNERS MOOn, Polifazer, ACUE, AFEER, World Energy Council, ARPEE, Asociatia Energia Inteligenta, EFdeN, Sea One, Wave, MEDIA PARTNERS Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic.
The development of smart grid concept in power grid has advanced the role of ELECTRIC VEHICLES to grid technology. In recent years, it has seen an increasing interest in the deployment of Vehicle-to-Grid as a service to users of Electric Vehicles. The integration of grid technology allows bidirectional energy exchange between electric vehicles and the power grid.
Consequently, the automotive industry, the power suppliers and the developers of charging stations will synchronize within safe, feasible and effective smart power grids that include and enable the use of electric vehicles and the innovative technology.
The new era of mobility is already here. Critical technology trends in autonomous driving, electrification, and vehicle communication come with extraordinary pressures beyond the here and now.