Mircea Fechet, Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests: “We have already contracted the financing for 291 charging stations in 38 cities in Romania”

Mircea Fechet, Minister Of Environment, Waters And Forests @ Grid Integration Of Electric Mobility Forum 2020: We have already contracted the financing for 291 charging stations in 38 cities in Romania
We decided to extend until the end of the year the deadline for submitting financing files for the program through which Romanian cities can build charging networks for electric cars, a program with a budget of 92 million lei. So far, funding applications have been submitted by 38 municipalities in the country. In total, the 38 cities will build 291 fast charging stations with more than 600 charging points. Although Bucharest had a budget of 23.8 million lei for the creation of a green infrastructure in the Capital, the old PMB administration did not submit any application for financing. This is given that approximately 40% of the electric cars put into circulation through Rabla Plus run in Bucharest. The extension of the submission deadline gives the new administration the chance to start the construction of the electric car charging networks in Bucharest as well.
According to the Administration of the Environmental Fund (AFM), through the Program on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in transport, by promoting the infrastructure for non-polluting road transport vehicles from the energy point of view: charging stations for electric vehicles in the county seat municipalities, the financing is granted in the weight of up to 90% of the eligible expenses, and for the installation of a recharging station it is financed at most with 190,000 lei.
More than 4,000 electric cars were reserved through “Rabla Plus”, a program whose budget was exhausted long before the end of the year and for which an additional 140 million lei to 200 million lei was approved.
The Public transportation benefits from 460 million lei worth financing for EV or hybrid vehicles and we have already financed the acquisition in Bucharest and Brasov, for 180 trams and 130 trolyebuses already financed. Following the discussions with APIA and ACAROM, this year, we will run discussions regarding the financing of automotive park to meet the green targets and we will develop a 4-year strategy in this respect. It is time to embrace a long-term vision. We face a challenging year ahead of us and, in the context of Green Deal and the EU’s political commitment to be climate neutral by 2050. he European Climate Law sets the 2050 target and the direction of travel for all EU policy, and gives predictability for public authorities, businesses and citizens.
We need a serious strategy regarding the state aid schemes to sustain the revamping of car park in Romania, and this means to include in this strategy the fleet of couriers, mail operators, taxi, public trasportation.
The statement has been uttered within the first edition of GRID INTEGRATION OF ELECTRIC MOBILITY FORUM 2020 organized recently by The Diplomat Bucharest.
Electric mobility is the power key-topic of the present demanding a fluent synergy of technology solutions providers, innovators, car producers and energy suppliers. The focus should be maintained on delivering the right technologies to enable a user-friendly integration of electric vehicles into INTELLIGENT POWER GRIDS.
The event benefited from the support of GOLD PARTNERS Engie, Eximprod Grup, PARTNERS MOOn, Polifazer, ACUE, AFEER, World Energy Council, ARPEE, Asociatia Energia Inteligenta, EFdeN, Sea One, Wave, MEDIA PARTNERS Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic.
The development of smart grid concept in power grid has advanced the role of ELECTRIC VEHICLES to grid technology. In recent years, it has seen an increasing interest in the deployment of Vehicle-to-Grid as a service to users of Electric Vehicles. The integration of grid technology allows bidirectional energy exchange between electric vehicles and the power grid.
Consequently, the automotive industry, the power suppliers and the developers of charging stations will synchronize within safe, feasible and effective smart power grids that include and enable the use of electric vehicles and the innovative technology.
The new era of mobility is already here. Critical technology trends in autonomous driving, electrification, and vehicle communication come with extraordinary pressures beyond the here and now.