Valeriu Binig, Director, Regulatory and Antritrust, Enel: “Romania needs to rethink the state aid system to promote electric transport”

Valeriu Binig, Director, Regulatory and Antritrust, Enel @ Grid Integration Of Electric Mobility Forum 2020: Romania needs to rethink the state aid system to promote electric transport
“EU leaders realized in 2005 that Europe was losing competition for conventional energy resources. They realized that if the planet continued to warm up at the identified rate, Europe would be the continent most affected by climate migration. They realized that for the European economy, the only chance to maintain leadership was to convert to green technologies, maintaining the leadership in the number of patents in green energies, in revolutionary energies. These principles later evolved into what we now call the Green Deal. A nucleus of political objectives and pragmatic actions has been built. In 2005 the goal was to eliminate dependence on oil in transport. There are voices saying, ‘You don’t want to emit CO2 anymore, but you’ve created a battery life cycle that you don’t know how to manage it yet. We don’t know what we will do with these batteries after they have finished their life cycle, but we are glad that we no longer emit CO2.’
In this context, the latest calculations show that somewhere in 2026, maybe even earlier, electric transport would become on par with transport based on internal combustion engines. We have debates related to the reform of the state aid system in which there are more and more discussions about how we will continue to support electric transport, especially since it will no longer be a market failure, but will start to be competitive on the market. Romania can no longer rely on the ‘Rabla’ program and direct gifts to those who make these investments, but state aid must be much more sophisticated and adapted to European culture.”
The statement has been uttered within the first edition of GRID INTEGRATION OF ELECTRIC MOBILITY FORUM 2020 organized recently by The Diplomat Bucharest.
Electric mobility is the power key-topic of the present demanding a fluent synergy of technology solutions providers, innovators, car producers and energy suppliers. The focus should be maintained on delivering the right technologies to enable a user-friendly integration of electric vehicles into INTELLIGENT POWER GRIDS.
The event benefited from the support of GOLD PARTNERS Engie, Eximprod Grup, PARTNERS MOOn, Polifazer, ACUE, AFEER, World Energy Council, ARPEE, Asociatia Energia Inteligenta, EFdeN, Sea One, Wave, MEDIA PARTNERS Outsourcing Today, Financial Intelligence, Economistul, Romania Durabila, Club Economic.
The development of smart grid concept in power grid has advanced the role of ELECTRIC VEHICLES to grid technology. In recent years, it has seen an increasing interest in the deployment of Vehicle-to-Grid as a service to users of Electric Vehicles. The integration of grid technology allows bidirectional energy exchange between electric vehicles and the power grid.
Consequently, the automotive industry, the power suppliers and the developers of charging stations will synchronize within safe, feasible and effective smart power grids that include and enable the use of electric vehicles and the innovative technology.
The new era of mobility is already here. Critical technology trends in autonomous driving, electrification, and vehicle communication come with extraordinary pressures beyond the here and now.