Energy in elections event provided a transparent framework for discussion on the chapters dedicated to the energy sector in Government Programs

The Intelligent Energy Association (AEI) organized on November 18 the online debate entitled “Energy in elections“, a project brand AEI aimed at providing a transparent framework for discussion on the chapters dedicated to the energy sector in Government Programs.
In line with the values and mission of the ESA, the debate took place in the apolitical register, aiming at the equidistant and objective representation of the interests of all participants in the energy market, whether suppliers, producers, operators, designers, builders, institutions, regulators, ministries, politicians, system employees or media representatives.
The event was attended by leading experts in the field of energy such as: Călin VILT – energy expert, Alexandru PĂTRUȚI – expert in mineral resources, Ioan Iordache – expert in hydrogen and new energy resources, Andrei CECLAN – expert in energy efficiency and Dumitru CHISĂLIȚĂ – natural gas expert.
Only the sections on the energy component of the Government Programs available online were analyzed, and the opinions and comments made by the guests were expressed objectively, impartially and strictly in terms of professional expertise. Based on the opinions expressed during the debate, Georgian Albu, Member of the Intelligent Energy Association, made the analysis “Energy in Elections” which can be consulted on the association’s website.
In the following we point out some conclusions formulated by the experts present at the debate “Energy in elections”:
Călin VILT is of the opinion that the dialogue between final consumers and relevant representatives of the energy sector must become a reality, eminently by including in the future these actors in the debates associated with the energy sector, together with the political sphere and specialists. The specialist also recommends a greater commitment from the political sphere for the lack of corrective measures that have been reported over time by energy experts.
Alexandru PĂTRUȚI: According to the mineral resources expert, the Romanian energy sector has survived in the context of a drastic decrease in energy consumption and less as a result of administrative measures, and investments in developing new capacities, respectively in new exploitation perspectives are insufficient compared to consumption forecasts.
Ioan IORDACHE emphasized that hydrogen is an energy vector and not a primary resource, an aspect that requires that the development of this sector in Romania be achieved in a complementary manner with the other forms of energy available to Romania. Like his spokesman, the hydrogen expert advocated for the inclusion of specialists in the process of shaping public policies in the energy sector, as they are ready to take responsibility for supporting the political sphere in achieving the proposed goals.
Andrei CECLAN: The energy efficiency expert completed the intervention made by Ioan IORDACHE, pleading for the support of professionals in the technical area, so that this category has an adequate representation in the process of setting policy objectives. The lack of a link between the two elements in question generates syncopes in defining strategic priorities in the energy field.
Dumitru CHISĂLIȚĂ also concluded that the lack of a dialogue between the various categories of participants in the energy market leads to the formulation of desideratums that are not fully connected to the realities of the landscape of the local energy sector. The state of affairs calls for a reset of the way in which the strategic priorities are formulated – POINT AND FROM THE BEGINNING IN THE ENERGY SECTOR – respectively the political desideratum at the level of the central administration to facilitate the exit from the situation with critical valences that characterize the energy sector.