CCIB: Over 89.6 billion Euro, the cumulative turnover of companies in Top Ranking Bucharest, 15.5 per cent boost compared to 2019

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest (CCIB) organized today, online, the 27th edition of the TOP OF COMPANIES IN BUCHAREST, a reference event for the economic life of the capital, even in the midst of a pandemic and economic crisis.
“Perhaps more than ever, we need success stories that go beyond dry numbers and indicators, whether it’s family businesses that have grown organically, ideas that came to life in the student years, or projects that are considered crazy.” when they were first exposed. They all give us the strength to move on. Let’s say: yes, it is possible! Others have done it too! I can too! More than ever, the business world needs honesty in its dealings with competitors, customers, employees and ourselves, because in difficult times it has never withstood bottomless forms. You, our laureates, are role models for those who are going through difficult times today! ”, said in the opening Dr. Eng. Costică T. Mustață, President of the Bucharest Chamber.
“In this difficult year, due to the health crisis, the economic life is moving forward and I congratulate the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest for finding the strength to congratulate the winners. Congratulations! We need you, you and the thousands of entrepreneurs who are behind you, to pull the economy forward”, said in the message sent on this occasion the Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment, Virgil Popescu.
“I want to assure you that through the activity we carry out we are the most important lobbyist for the business environment in front of the political decision maker. We want to assure you that we will not disappoint you, that we will make the best efforts to meet your wishes. I want you to be optimistic and prudent, I think prudence is the most important thing during this period, although sometimes in business it is said that the biggest risk is not to take any risk “, underlined the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, Mihai Daraban, in the message sent.
The top laureates were established according to a severe and complex methodology, approved and applied uniformly, at the level of the entire chamber system. In establishing the final rankings, indicators were taken into account such as: net turnover, operating profit, operating profit rate, efficient use of human resources and efficient use of capital employed, calculated based on 16 elements extracted from the financial statements submitted by companies at Ministry of Public Finance and at the National Office of the Trade Register.
According to the mentioned methodology, out of the 134,059 companies with the registered office in the Capital, which submitted the balance for 2019, 50,133 companies met the eligibility criteria, 37.4% of the total. Of these, the Bucharest Chamber awarded 7,267 companies, 14.5% of the total number of companies considered eligible and representing 5.4% of the total number of companies that submitted the balance sheet for last year.
Regarding the structure by fields of activity, most companies awarded by the Bucharest Chamber operate in the field of services (2,529 companies, 35% of the total), being followed by companies in the field of trade (2,003 companies, 28% of the total) and of those with an industrial profile (1,505 companies, 21% of the total). In the ranking compiled by the Bucharest Chamber, a share of 6% belongs to the sectors: constructions (437 laureate companies) and research, development and high-tech (respectively 404 awarded entities), tourism, 3% (249 laureate companies), and agriculture, forestry and fishing, 2% (140 companies)
The 7,267 companies in the Top, 2% more than the previous year, achieved a cumulative turnover of 89.6 billion euros, up 15.5% compared to the 2019 edition and an operating profit in value of 8.1 billion euros, higher by 10.7% compared to the one recorded last year. These companies employ 563,496 employees, an increase of 4.1% compared to the previous edition.
The laureates are part of the most dynamic and important business community in the country. With an unemployment rate of only 1.24% compared to 3.26% nationally, the Capital concentrates 22.4% of the total number of active companies in Romania, approximately 21% of the total number of employees in the country, almost 30% of the sales area and of the retail sales at national level, 18% of the value of Romanian exports and 31% of the value of imports made by Romania and about 60% of the scientific research activity of the country
In Bucharest, there are 104 thousand companies with foreign capital (44% of the total registered at national level), with a cumulative subscribed share capital of 25.1 billion euros, respectively 54% of the total share capital subscribed at national level by foreign participating companies the capital.
The full recording of the event can be found here: