PATRES: “Romania has a wrong approach to the Green Deal”

“The year 2020 has defined a new paradigm in the field of energy. Investments in renewables have a very high degree of automation. Digitization has helped us a lot, it is a very valuable thing during the pandemic. Many operators have taken advantage of opportunities, simplified their processes,” Martin Moise, first vice-president of the Employers’ Organization of Renewable Energy Producers in Romania (PATRES) said during an online conference.
“We believe that the Green Deal offers many opportunities in the next 30 years, but this is not perceived as an opportunity at all levels of decision-making. The authorities and the political environment have a profoundly wrong approach to the Green Deal. We need to find rational solutions. There are currently two camps, one is pro renewable and the other is anti-renewable. Romania’s ambitions are extremely low, Romania does not understand the opportunities brought by this Green Deal.”